

Web of Addictions

"The Web of Addictions is dedicated to providing accurate information about alcohol and other drug addictions. [The site seeks] to provide a resource for teachers, students and others who needed factual information about abused drugs." A topical hierarchy is used to navigate the site with links to facts on substance abuse, net resources on addiction, information on meetings and conferences on substance abuse, support services and organizations.

The Merck Manual of Geriatrics

Building on the tradition of the The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, this manual focuses on the medical problems of the elderly, providing clinical information to all physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other health professionals involved in the care of elderly patients. Many non-health professionals also find it useful."

Women For Sobriety, Inc.
Women For Sobriety, Inc., "a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women overcome alcoholism and other addictions," identifies local chapters, links to related materials, provides text of articles by the founder, and provides information on becoming a moderator.

SeniorLaw Home Page
"This is a Web site where senior citizens, their families, attorneys, social workers, and financial planners, can access information about Elder Law (Elderlaw), Medicare, Medicaid, estate planning, trusts and the rights of the elderly and disabled." Information is organized by subject, or you can use a search engine.